
Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2012


Eso que dejan tras de sí las viejas constumbres, las viejas estructuras, el pasado cuando lo he soltado... Esta sensacion de vacío, de falta de sentido, de ausencia... porque toda la motivación, el motor de mi vida se ha desarmado... ¿Qué me queda ahora? ¡Ser feliz!

Una papa Tatuada

Frases tomadas del libro "The Tattooed Potato and Other Clues" de Ellen Raskin. "Of course, a little self-doubt is a good thing if you want to become an artist, a good artist. Makes you work harder. Work and study, experimentation, devotion -that's what you need to develop a style of your own. You can learn techniques, but no one can teach you style." ------- "Has your heart ever felt like a singing bird?" Dickory asked George [...] "My heart once felt like a singing bird, Dickory," he confessed. "It happened a few years ago, back home. I found this bird with a broken wing, a beautiful spotted bird, a thrush. I took it home with me and..." "George, I don't think that 'my heart is like a singing bird' has anything to do with birds," Dickory said impatiently. "I know; it just happened that way." [...] "I've got to get going", Dickory said abruptly. George looked hurt. [.